Today we play wheel of fortune

Conversion through gamifi­cation

Optimize conversion with playful incentives

Win back dropouts & increase conversion

Gamification tools will turn your guests into regulars. And along the way, you can earn even more with your best offers. Without being annoying. Without being annoying? Yes, absolutely! Gamification tools are, as the name suggests, playful applications on your website.

With our latest tool, the Wheel of Fortune, visitors turn a wheel after entering their email address and can win prizes designed by you. Fully GDPR compliant. After a one-time implementation, you can determine the use of these overlays yourself. You can decide individually whether you are primarily interested in winning back dropouts or increasing your conversion.

There are no limits to your imagination! Don’t waste your traffic.

Optimize conversion with playful means

The wheel of fortune

More direct bookings are just the beginning!

The wheel of fortune is our latest gamification tool for your website. After a one-time implementation, you have complete control over everything from the way it is used, the amount of chances to win, the definition of the winnings to the design. Your wheel of fortune is suitable for your guests.

The application is so easy that we don’t even have to explain it. Visitors turn the wheel of fortune and can win prizes designed by you by entering their e-mail address. GDPR compliant, of course.

Let’s spin the wheel! Together we will find the ideal strategy for your wheel of fortune.

Conversion: Website visitors love interactive experiences. Gamification offers just that, more interaction through game-like overlays!
Engagement: Visitors to your website are curious and want to play to see what happens next. For you, this means an increase in leads and more direct bookings!
Easy implementation: You decide and we program. Customized and tailor-made for your website and your hotel!

Low costs: Our wheels of fortune are inexpensive and can be canceled monthly after one-time implementation.
Individuality: There are almost no limits to the design of your wheel of fortune to launch targeted campaigns.

  • Individually programmed for you
  • Design possibilities almost unlimited
  • Suitable for almost every website
  • 2 languages included
  • Up to 10 winning fields
  • Campaign management & support
  • One-time implementation only € 99
  • Inexpensive implementation from € 29 per month
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