opensmjle GmbH
Lindenstraße 82
50674 Cologne
It usually sounds like online marketing is super simple. A bit of Google Ads and Social Media. But the fact is: to rock your marketing, in most cases you simply don’t have the staff and the time. We can help exactly with that!
It’s time for a new PMS. Interface problems are the absolut horror. What providers are out there? Which of them fits our needs? These are the statements and questions our Customer Success Team deals with every day. Let’s find some answers.
Your new and professional and hotel website is the start of the digital customer journey. Together we can bring your ideas to life and literally take your guests by the hand during their journey on your website, no matter where they are.
Customer Success Team
With the right people, the store runs smoothly! And by store, we mean your hotel, and by people, we mean our Customer Success Team. Because that’s what they are: really good people from the hotel industry, specialized in digital marketing and hotel tech.
They support you exactly where you need them: Whether in all things marketing, hotel metasearch, your tech stack or design. As an extension of your team, our Customer Success Team is as flexible and varied as your daily hotel life.
Our #teamgelb is your marketing team.
Hotel & Corporate Websites
Here not only the wording fits, but the content is also 100% true for us!
We want to give hotels of all sizes a successful start into digitalization. And what better way to do that than with a well performing website? You are only a phone call or an email away from positioning your hotel digitally. And without exorbitant prices.
At the speed we implement joint projects, please don’t forget to buckle up!
Hotel Metasearch
You probably already know that good campaign management leads straight to more direct bookings.
But how the whole thing works in detail is not so well known. But that’s not an issue! We’ll take a look at CPC and CPA for you, so that you can relax and enjoy an extended round of ping-pong during your break. Sounds good, doesn’t it? In cooperation with the most popular metasearch providers, we control your bids on the various portals such as Trivago, TripAdvisor, Google Hotel Search, etc..
Feel free to let us take the wheel, sit back and watch your direct bookings take off.
Wheel of Fortune
More direct bookings are just the beginning.
The Wheel of Fortune is our latest gamification tool for your website. After a one-time implementation, you have complete control over everything from the way it is used, the amount of chances to win, the definition of winnings, to the design. Your Wheel of Fortune is suitable for your guests.
If there’s one thing that unites our #teamgelb, it’s the hotel industry. Why? Because we all have our background somewhere there, deeply connected to the roots of this beautiful industry. #hospitalitylover
Together, we think hospitality. Forward.